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Büssing-NAG 400 T/SSW/AEG


Manufacturer NameBüssing
Model NameBüssing-NAG 400 T/SSW/AEG
Vehicle typeTrolleybus
ChassisBüssing 400 T
BodyBüssing NAG Werk Osten
No. of engines
Design of doors
No. of axles
No. of modules
Other Information:
The vehicles nos. 1-6 for Allenstein were equipped by SSW. The vehicles nos. 4-6 for Insterburg were equipped by AEG. Two vehicles of the Allenstein delivery were transferred to Gdynia in 1947 (Gdynia nos. 217 and 218). One vehicle was transferred from Insterburg to Allenstein in 1945 and to Gdynia in 1947 (Gdynia no. 216).
Produced: 1939-1939





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