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Bajaj RE #WB-04-D-5131

3 august 2011 - Calcutta, Hazra Road x Sarat Bose Road. Let me explain. Autorickshaws are one of the basic modes of transport in all Indian cities. However, in most cities they function like taxis. but not in Calcutta. Here they ply on set routes and are like minibuses in Eastern Europe - they fill in the gaps left by the bus and tram networks. As you can see, this vehicle runs on Route 34 from Jatin Das Park metro station along Hazra and Bondel Roads. Each rickshaw takes a maximum of 5 people (3 at the back, 2 next to the driver). As always with this kind of transport - no tickets are issued, and you pay the driver directly.
Author: straphan
Comments: 7



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