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Stadsvervoer Nederland/

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #104

28 october 2005 - Amersfoort Busstation
Author: Maurits Vink

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #110

28 october 2005 - Amersfoort Busstation
Author: Maurits Vink

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #125

28 october 2005 - Amersfoort Busstation
Author: Maurits Vink

VDL Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #130

24 june 2005 - Stadsvervoer Nederland (Citytransport Holland) 130 is on it's way from Wageningen to Amersfoort and is crossing the border of 'Gelderland' and 'Utrecht'.
Author: Hugo Buss



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