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Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe "Artrans" Arkadiusz Purymski/

Mercedes-Benz Tourismo 15RHD #WGM 10R1

30 november 2013 - Toruń, Żwirki i Wigury street. Traditionally I have to be on Radio Maryja anniversary. The place of celebration hasn`t change - it was still St. Joseph church. But the new temple of blessed John Paul II is under construction and maybe in next year there will be change in place of celebration. In this year traffic jams were exceptionally long, because of road works and building of Diametral Roadway in close area. In rush-hour pilgrims were waiting in line of buses and cars of length above 1 km.
Author: Niskopodłogowiec
Comments: 5



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