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長崎自動車株式会社 [Nagasaki Jidōsha Kabushiki-gaisha]/

Isuzu QPG-LV234N3 Erga Non-Step #1584

11 february 2019 - Nagasaki (Nagasaki Pref.), Dejimamachi (長崎県長崎市出島町). A Japanese city bus operator without an Isuzu Erga? I probably mentioned it, but it`s like a British operator without an ADL.
Nagasaki city buses irritated me with their lack of Latin transcription on the scrolls - something I`d only seen in Kōbe other than here. On top of that, the timetables on stops were done in the "one table for all routes" style with the different variations in separate rows - without knowing the city I could only be guessing where goes what, given the lack of any route diagrams on the stops, something that`s a blessed standard elsewhere in the country.

Author: TranslatorPS



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