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長崎自動車株式会社 [Nagasaki Jidōsha Kabushiki-gaisha]/

Isuzu KC-LV380N Cubic / NSK 96MC B-II #1826

11 february 2019 - Nagasaki (Pref. Nagasaki), Dejimamachi (長崎県長崎市出島町). Again a 1, but a different route (Ishihara/Kashiyama/Sakura-no-sato Line) and a different garage (Sakura-no-sato). If someone were to come from Kyōto (never mind Europe) where route numbers are holy, they`d likely get lost, because they`ll board a different 1 than they should, especially if five of them came at the same time, each one going in a different direction. Were I the company, I would seriously reconsider the purpose of this system.
Author: TranslatorPS



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