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名鉄バス株式会社 [Meitetsu Bus Kabushiki-gaisha]/

Mitsubishi Fuso QKG-MP37FMF Aero Star #1352

19 february 2019 - Nagoya (Aichi Pref.), Naka-ku, Sannomaru 3-chōme (愛知県名古屋市中区三の丸3丁目), Prefectural Route 215. Oh the irony, I caught a private operator right in front of the city hall that houses the municipal operator! The world`s ending...
There are seven possible routes that the bus in photo may be operating - numbered from 30 to 36. I have absolutely no idea which one however, as the scrolls are showing something completely different (all seven routes share the same route from the closest located terminus, so that`s probably why), but I put in 30 based on the current schedule. Such passenger information of course goes against logical practice, but as I just mentioned, the operator can afford to do so if the variations operate a common route, especially given that it`s the only service they operate in this spot.

Author: TranslatorPS



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