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제일여객자동차주식회사 [Jeil Yeogaeg Jadongcha Jusikhoesa]/

Hyundai Aero City #서울74사3848

1 march 2019 - Seoul, Jongno-gu, Jong-ro (서울특별시 종노구 종로), Jongno 6-ga, Dongdaemun-jonghabsijang bus stop.
720: 진관공영차고지 (Jinguan Public Garage) → 촬영소사거리.동답초등학교 (Chalyoungso Sageori, Dongdap Elementary School) → 진관공영차고지 (Jinguan Public Garage) (circular route)
Buses are permamently assigned to each bus route. Although a number of them has electronic displays, they always display the same content. They are plastered with route markings and route maps permamently both outside and inside. For example, for rte 720 seen in the photo 32 buses are authorised, and for the 140 seen on another photo - 46 buses. Overall, the 7400 buses operating the Seoul bus network are split between 65 individual companies, out of which each one takes care of between 3 and 14 routes, with fleet size between 40 and 293 buses per company. Although each company may have its own garages, there are also 11 public garages where multiple companies are based together.

Author: TranslatorPS

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