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Farmand Reiser AS/

Neoplan N1218 HDL #LJ 31528

21 july 2009 - Tokke, Dalen, Hotel Dalen. Outside the entrance of this old hotel.
Author: Øyvind Berg
21 july 2009 - Tokke, Dalen, Hotel Dalen. Showing its full length of 14 metres. Why not go for an XL version with 15 metres? ;-)
Author: Øyvind Berg
Comments: 1

21 july 2009 - Tokke, Dalen, Hotel Dalen. This seems to be the first and so far only P16 Cityliner L on Phototrans, and is so too in Norway. That said, it was also one of the first ever built of this length with buildnumber 6.
Author: Øyvind Berg
Comments: 2



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