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Чавдар 120 #A 2655 BH

Чавдар 120 #A 2655 BH

Built: 1996     Scrapped: 2013
Author: Metzgermeister5 enRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2008-07-17 17:12:36
Width: 768, Height: 576
File size: 101.85kB
17 july 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Chavdar 120 on the line Burgas - Chernomoretz - Sozopol. I'm very happy to see this bus on an intercity line, because it means that it's still not old for this kind of stuff and that also means that BurgasBus trusts it and believe that it won't disappoint... much the tourists from other countries and that nothing will happen to it on the way to Sozopol. But there's one inconvenience - that's an urban bus and there is no place, purposed for the passengers' luggage.
bg en gt


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