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Setra S215 HR-GT #PB 0460 MC

15 april 2016 - Bul."Peshtersko shose" Plovdiv a bus with number 0460 on line Plovdiv-Perushtica-Krichim

Setra S215 HD #PB 3313 BH

14 may 2016 - Bul."Peshtersko shose" Plovdiv a bus with number 3313 on line Plovdiv-Perushtica-Krichim

Setra S215 HD #PB 9769 AP

28 july 2015 - Central station Plovdiv a bus with number 9769 on line Plovdiv-Perushtica-Krichim

Setra S215 HR #PB 2445 KM

28 july 2015 - Central station Plovdiv a bus with number 2445 on line Plovdiv-Perushtica-Krichim

Mercedes-Benz O405 #X 0710 BT

17 june 2015 - Bus station "YUG" Plovdiv a bus with number 0710 on line Plovdiv-Perushtitsa-Krichim

Mercedes-Benz O405 #X 0710 BT

17 june 2015 - Peshtersko shose Blvd., Plovdiv, a bus with number 0710 on line Plovdiv-Perushtitsa-Krichim

Setra S315 HD #CA 6931 PX

8 june 2011 - Bul."Peshtersko Shose" Plovid a bus Setra on line Plovdiv-Krichim-Plovdiv



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