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DAF SB250 LPG / Berkhof Premier #202

6 july 2018 - Žepče, depot. Former Hermes bus 2345 is seen in the yard of its current owner, Marić Prometnik of the town of Žepče in Bosnia. The bus is not used, as there are problems with gaining a Bosnian registration, apparently related to it being a gas bus.

Comments: 1

DAF SB250 LPG / Berkhof Premier #2343

6 july 2018 - Žepče, depot. Former Hermes bus 2343 is seen in the yard of its current owner, Marić Prometnik of the town of Žepče in Bosnia. The bus is not used, as there are problems with gaining a Bosnian registration, apparently related to it being a gas bus.



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